"Give heed to the voice of my cry, my King and my God, for to You I will pray. My voice You shall hear in the morning, O LORD;" (Psalm 5:2-3a NKJV) Jesus knew the worst kind of hurt, pain, and rejection. The people Jesus tried to help the most turned on Him, mocking Him and ultimately crucifying Him. Jesus' closest friends and followers abandoned and denied Him just when He needed them the most. God hears, and knows, our pain. God felt pain when He watched His son die on a cross in a slow, agonizing way. God felt pain when the children He created and loved started ignoring Him, turning away then turning on each other. And, because God knows us better than anyone, He knows exactly how much we are hurting and the pain we feel...and He also hears our cries...then He wipes away our tears and holds us in arms. Because He's been there and knows how it feels, HE will be there for us when we need Him the most. God is our father, comforter and REDEEMer. Love, Beau
Purrl I need your email address too!
Something wrong with this post? We could read it in Google Reader but when we came by to comment on it, the url is bad and there is no post, just a title and comment section.
Hope your mom is okay.
Very Nice sermon Beau. I hope some of your parishiners took you out for a nice Chicken dinner.
da Ozark gang
I really liked this weeks sermon. Your sermons always make me feel better.
Beverly, Smokey and Purrl.
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